Friday, August 18, 2006

Digg Bugg - Dup permalinks?

I found a digg bugg today when I accidentally submitted an article twice via a dbl-click. It seems that the articles are given a unique key, however, the title doesn't seem to be checked for a duplicates when submitting. This allowed two articles with the exact same permalink.

The link given to the articles is here.

When following the link, one of the two seems to be randomly chosen for display (try F5 a few times). They have their own comments and own digg value. Without being able to delete something like this, it can cause confusion and server problems as the wrong one might be getting dugg, burried or commented on. I notified digg of the problem and hope it gets resolved.

In my submitted list, you can see the two diggs that i've marked dups.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Not the best month for AOL...

Aug 3rd, AOL announces they will be laying off 5,000 of the 19,000 people working for them.

Aug 7th, AOL releases 3 months and 650,000 users worth of search queries. The New York Times has identified one of these anonymous people from one of the many sites that have the data available.

Aug 15th, AOL was caught spamming articles on They were having employees digg items to get ratings. (Maybe why they are getting fired? lol)

Aug 16th, AOL says a convicted spammer may of hidden half a million dollars in gold and platinum on his parents' property. Tonka Time.

hrm. 2 weeks left in august. lets see what happens.